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Initial causes of kidney disease

It is well known that kidney disease is a serious disease. Preventing kidney disease can start simply by reducing sodium consumption and increasing consumption of vegetables and fruits. A person’s body should consume no more than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per day. Equivalent to 1 teaspoon

Preventing bloody sputum

Most people are often worried when they find out that they have symptoms of coughing up blood or bloody sputum. The reason why when we cough, blood comes out is because a blood vessel in a certain area of ​​the body bursts, causing blood to come

Rabiot hoping to join Europe top 5 leagues.

Adrien Rabiot remains optimistic that offers from top European league clubs will come his way in the future. The 29-year-old midfielder is out of contract at Juventus and despite earlier talks over a new deal, the two parties were unable to reach an agreement due